The book is here! And, it can be yours tonight from 18.00 at Rubber Soul, for a delightful exhibition and time to RELAX. Followed by a PARTY at Revolver, from 21.00.
You can find both these places on Møllergata.
The Launch party at Revolver, will be featuring some of our wonderful bands and you can expect to see live sets from:
Joycey Bambridge
Centre of the Universe
and DJ Sets from members of the bands:
Pica Pica
The Lionheart Brothers
The Loch Ness Mouse
Pirate Love
The book will be on sale for a VERY special price of just 150kr (Retail 250kr) and entrance is gratis before 23. So come on down early and enjoy the splendour! Everyone you know (and everyone you want to know) will be there!
Ingrid Pop for Maribel
Condor Koss for Starving Artist Kokebok
Ingvild Østgård for Starving Artist Kokebok